checking the simulation results
This page guides you on how to check the results of simulations performed in Scenario Runner.
Checking Real-time Simulation Status
You can check the real-time simulation status through the 'Simulation Status' window.
1. Overview
It displays the name of the currently running scenario file and the simulation time..
2. Status Monitor
It shows the names and status information of the Storyboard elements defined in the scenario file..
List of Storyboard Element States
init : State before the Storyboard starts
standby : Waiting for activation state, transitions to running state upon satisfying specific conditions.
running : Element is in an active state, performing the defined action. After completing the action, it either regresses to standby state or transitions to the complete state.
complete : State after the element's defined action is completed and terminated.
end : State after the storyboard is concluded.
3. Evaluation Index
It displays the safety evaluation metrics for the ego vehicle's driving.
Safety Evaluation Metrics
Safe Distance (m) : Distance to the front vehicle.
Time To Collision (sec) : Estimated time to collision with the front vehicle.
Way-off Distance (m) : Distance the vehicle deviates from the center of the lane.
Lateral Acceleration (m/s2) : Vehicle's lateral acceleration.
Longitudinal Acceleration (m/s2) : Vehicle's longitudinal acceleration.
Speed Excess (km/h) : Excess speed over the maximum regulated speed on the current road.
Speed Deficit (km/h) : Speed deficit below the minimum regulated speed on the current road.
Checking Simulation Results
You can check the simulation results through the 'Simulation Result' window.
Opens image in full screenOpen
1. Overview
Total : Total number of scenarios included in the batch simulation.
✔️ : Number of scenarios that succeeded based on the conditions defined in the scenario's Evaluation item
❌ : Number of scenarios that failed based on the conditions defined in the scenario's Evaluation item.
: Number of scenarios terminated by the Storyboard StopTrigger or by the user
Clear : Data reset button
2. Scenario List
You can check the success or failure of each scenario and the total simulation time for each scenario.
3. Simulation Result Summary
The simulation result consists of the following two items
Safety evaluation metrics for the Ego vehicle (values for the most critical situations for each metric)
For example, the minimum distance to the front vehicle, maximum lateral deviation from the lane center, maximum lateral acceleration, etc.
Status of Storyboard elements and error logs over time
4. Progress Bar and Log Folder
Progress Bar: Indicates the number of scenarios completed in relation to the total number of scenarios.
Open Log Folder : Opens the folder where logs are stored in File Explorer.
Log Storage Path
logs_scenario_runner/simulation_{batch simulation timestamp}/{batch simulation timestamp}{map name}{scenario name}eventlog.csv
logs_scenario_runner/simulation_{batch simulation timestamp}/{batch simulation timestamp}{map name}{scenario name}_statelog.csv
As simulation progresses, simulation logs accumulate in this folder, so be cautious of increasing file sizes.