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MORAI Scenario Runner is a middleware module that loads scenario data based on the ASAM OpenSCENARIO format and runs the loaded scenarios within MORAI SIM. Communication between MORAI Scenario Runner and MORAI SIM is based on the gRPC framework and enables the Scenario Runner to control vehicles and objects in MORAI SIM. Scenarios are designed using a GUI based on the MORAI Map Editor, and so it is recommended that users become familiarized with the Map Editor.

Map Editor Manual:

Each scenario contains one or more objects, the initial state of each object, and one or more stories performed by the object(s). A story is defined as a trigger that is activated when specific conditions are met. Actions are then performed when a story (trigger) is activated.

MORAI Scenario Runner first reads the .xosc scenario file and the corresponding MGeo map data file to load the scenario contents that should be implemented by the Simulator into memory. During scenario execution, the Scenario Runner periodically checks the status of the ego-vehicle and NPC vehicles and sends control commands to each vehicle to perform depending on whether their triggers are activated.

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