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Building Scenarios

MORAI SIM: Drive supports two different methods of designing and executing simulation scenarios.

  • MORAI SIM: Drive’s built-in scenario editor

  • MORAI Scenario Runner

Built-in scenario editor

MORAI SIM: Drive’s built-in scenario editor is an intuitive, easy-to-use set of interfaces and tools baked directly into MORAI SIM: Drive that can help build ADAS and AV test scenarios quickly with minimum user training time.

This chapter of the documentation focuses on the built-in scenario editor, starting from the basics of placing a variety of static and dynamic actors into the simulation scene, to advanced strategies such as designating special scenario regions and exporting scenario data files.

MORAI Scenario Runner

MORAI Scenario Runner is a separate software application that automates the scenario testing process by reading ASAM OpenSCENARIO .xosc files in either single or batch processes.

Don't hesitate to contact for a User Guide and Demo Schedules for MORAI Scenario Runner.

A separate software license may be required to run MORAI Scenario Runner.

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