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Ego-vehicle Cruise Mode

How to use the Cruise Mode feature

Cruise Mode connects the ego-vehicle to MORAI SIM’s internal NPC driver algorithms, enabling autonomous navigation around the map for users without a separate Autonomous Driving Software Stack.

Access Cruise Mode through the Vehicle Info window by clicking on the ego-vehicle. This button should be located at the top of the Vehicle Info panel

Once enabled, the ego-vehicle follows MGeo links towards a target location on the map. To visualize the links the vehicle is traversing along, refer to the MGeo Viewer manual.

Once Cruise Mode is activated, a new Viz Path toggle will appear in the Driving Info panel. A shortened name for “visualize path,” this option will show on the 3D scene the path the vehicle plans to take.

Vehicle Telemetry

  • Control Mode: Indicates whether the current vehicle is in Cruise Mode or Keyboard mode.

  • Current Speed (km/h): The longitudinal speed of the current vehicle.

  • Driving Parameter: Switches between constant and variable inputs for speed.

    • Constant: Sets a single value that the driver model will attempt to follow.

    • Variable: The user can set ranges between which the driver model will randomly choose.

  • Desired Speed (km/h): The longitudinal target speed that the vehicle is currently following.

    • Link Speed (%): Each link embedded in the map has a maximum velocity limit, which is multiplied by the percentage value set in the Link Speed field.

    • Custom Speed (km/h): Set by default to 60, is adjustable by the user.

  • Acceleration (m/s2): Displays the linear acceleration w.r.t. the vehicle coordinate system.

  • Angular Velocity (deg/s): Displays the angular velocity of the vehicle.

  • Vehicle Rotation (deg, ENU): Displays the rotating pose of the vehicle based on the NorthEastern phase coordinate system.

  • Accel: Accelerator command value. (Min: 0, Max: 1)

  • Brake: Brake command value. (Min: 0, Max: 1)

  • Steer Angle (deg): Indicate the steering angle of the vehicle.

  • Gear: Displays the current gear status of the vehicle.

Traffic Info

  • Traffic Light Index: Indicates the index of the next traffic light the vehicle will encounter.

  • Traffic Light Status:

    • R: Red - Stop

    • SG: Green - Straight

    • G_with_GLeft: Green - Straight, but with a left turn available

  • Current Link: Indicates the index of the MGeo link that the current vehicle is following.

  • Target Link: Indicates the index of the MGeo link that is currently targeted by the vehicle.

  • Stop Line Index: Indicates the index of the stop line that the current vehicle is facing.

  • Stop Line Distance (m): Indicates the relative distance to the next stop line the vehicle will encounter.

  • Collision Distance (m): If an object is detected in front of the vehicle (either stationary or another vehicle), the distance to collision.

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