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MORAI Simulator Control API

MSC API provides a non-UI-based control method of the Simulator using communications API. To use the Simulator, the user is required to input various settings and parameters prior to testing. The MSC API allows the user to facilitate configuring the settings and enables the automation of Simulator tests based on given scenarios.


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Python Version

The example code has been written and tested in Python 3.7.3.

How to Run

Run after configuring user-specific settings in params.txt within the example code.

File description


    • This file executes the Simulator based on information inputted in params.txt.

  • params.txt

    • params.txt includes parameter information used by the .py file.

    • The following must be configured: IP, port, user_id, user_pw, version, Map/Vehicle.

      • receive user IP: IP for receiving information (data, command results) from Launcher / Simulator

      • receive user port: Port for receiving information from Launcher / Simulator

      • request DST IP: IP for command transmission to Launcher / Simulator

      • request DST port: Port for command transmission to Launcher / Simulator

      • user_id: User ID

      • user_pw: User password

      • version: Version of Simulator

      • map: Map to play in Simulator (case sensitive)

      • vehicle: Vehicle to play in Simulator (case sensitive)

      • network_file: Name of network file to configure (Launcher Data → SaveFile→ Network)

      • sensor_file: Name of sensor file to configure (Launcher Data → SaveFile→ Sensor)

      • scenario_file: Name of scenario file to configure (Launcher Data → SaveFile→ Scenario)

        Parameter defined in params.txt

  • LinkConnection.txt

    • SaveFile\LinkConnection.txt inside Launcher folder

    • LinkConnection.txt contains IP and Port information for Launcher / Simulator

    • IP and Port have to be configured as follows.

      • Receive Host IP: IP of Launcher / Simulator for receiving commands via API

      • Receive Host PORT: Port of Launcher / Simulator for receiving commands via API

      • Request Destination IP: Destination IP for sending information from Launcher / Simulator

      • Request Destination PORT: Destination Port for sending information from Launcher / Simulator

Command Description

  • A Controller class method, commander() from, is used in

  • Commands used are pre-defined in the Command_list Class from

if self.controller.is_befor_login():                                        
if self.controller.is_after_login() or self.controller.is_after_sim_quit_to_launcher():  # is_after_sim_quit_to_launcher : Simulator에서 quit 명령 후 Launcher 복귀 상태 확인

    self.controller.commander(Command.SELECT_VER)#version select명령

if self.controller.is_not_find_version(): #version_error         
if self.controller.is_can_execute_sim(): 
    self.controller.commander(Command.EXECUTE_SIM) #Simulator 실행 명령                        

if self.controller.is_sim_not_install():                                
    self.controller.commander(Command.INSTALL_SIM) #Simulator 설치 명령                     

if self.controller.is_sim_lobby():                  
    self.controller.commander(Command.MAP_VEHICLE_SELECT)#시뮬레이션/옵션 변경 실행 명령

if self.controller.is_sim_playing():          

    self.controller.commander(Command.NET_SETTING) #Network setting    
    self.controller.commander(Command.SEN_SETTING) #Sensor setting
    self.controller.commander(Command.SCEN_SETTING) #Scenraio setting
class Command_list(Enum):
    #Launcher Command
    LOGIN           = (Platform.LUANCHER, cmd.LOGIN         , user_id+'/'+user_pw)
    SELECT_VER      = (Platform.LUANCHER, cmd.SELECT_VER    , version)
    INSTALL_SIM     = (Platform.LUANCHER, cmd.INSTALL_SIM   , "")
    EXECUTE_SIM     = (Platform.LUANCHER, cmd.EXECUTE_SIM   , "")
    LOGOUT          = (Platform.LUANCHER, cmd.LOGOUT        , "")

    #Simulator Command
    MAP_VEHICLE_SELECT      = (Platform.SIMULATOR, cmd.MAP_VEHICLE_SELECT   , map+'/'+vehicle)
    SIM_PAUSE               = (Platform.SIMULATOR, cmd.SIM_PAUSE            , "")
    SIM_PLAY                = (Platform.SIMULATOR, cmd.SIM_PLAY             , "")
    NET_SETTING             = (Platform.SIMULATOR, cmd.NET_SETTING          , network_file)
    NET_SAVE                = (Platform.SIMULATOR, cmd.NET_SAVE             , )
    SEN_SETTING             = (Platform.SIMULATOR, cmd.SEN_SETTING          , sensor_file)
    SEN_SAVE                = (Platform.SIMULATOR, cmd.SEN_SAVE             , "")
    SCEN_SETTING            = (Platform.SIMULATOR, cmd.SCEN_SETTING         , scenario_file+"/62")
    SCEN_SAVE               = (Platform.SIMULATOR, cmd.SCEN_SAVE            , "")
    QUIT_SIM                = (Platform.SIMULATOR, cmd.QUIT_SIM             , "")   

Flow Chart for Example Code

API is available (MSC is connected)

API is unavailable (MSC is disconnected)

Example Use Case

The example video shows how to set up and run

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